Navigating the Hard Days

Creating a Business is Hard.

There are a ton of business coaches out there who will try to make it sound like if you are not in a constant state of effortless flow in your business then you have a problem… which our subconscious then translates into “we” are the problem.

I am here to give you some honest perspective into the realities behind the hard days of being an entrepreneur.

The days where you wonder if all the hard work you are putting in, while still seeing no desired results, is worth it?

The days you wonder if you really are on the right path or just following some pipe dream?

The days you wonder if what you do really matters and if your ideal client even exists out there?

I am here offer a supportive hand and help you navigate through these hard days because they do not define your story and honestly I wish I had this podcast to listen to sooner in my biz journey.

So if you are feeling disheartened in your business today, pull up a chair, grab a warm beverage, and listen up because there are some things you need to know:

  1. You are probably creating your own stress or frustration because you are trying to hold yourself to an unrealistic timeline. Spoiler alert - this is often directly tied to the fact that you are comparing your year 3 to someone else’s year 5 or 10.

  2. Your brain is an asshole because you are focusing on all the ways it isn’t working out because your subconscious wants you to be safe. and safe means staying in the comfy known. not outside of your comfort zone

  3. You need to release your fear of failure. I said it. If you are experiencing less than ideal results and you have put in the time and you have done the soul-growth then honestly you are holding yourself to a standard of perfection that is hindering your ability to adjust because you have tied the results to your identity.

Checkout the rest of the episode to hear the antidote to each of these subconscious limiting beliefs.

Now once you have realized which one of these scripts your brain is running on, the next big step is to take a deep breath…and walk away.

Not forever! Just for a few hours or a day…maybe a weekend I don’t know, you are your best healer but take sometime to walk away and instead focus your energy on self-care. Whether that is taking time to rest, play, get creative (outside of your biz!) whatever just take sometime to focus on you and I promise that when you come back to your business it is going to be with a fresh perspective, rejuvenated energy, and maybe even a few ah-ha ideas on what to do next.

This is how we create longevity in our business. This is how we create a lifestyle that support our energy vs caving into hustle culture to grind and force until we burnout.

Listen to the full episode on Spotify, Apple, or Youtube and be sure to subscribe and leave a review!


Demystifying M&F Energy


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